Miley Cyrus News: ‘Adore You’ Singer Shows Off Holiday Spirit By Dressing Up Like 'Turnt Up Elfie' [PHOTOS, VIDEO]
'Tis the season for Miley Cyrus to dress up like an elf since Christmas is days away.
Over the weekend the singer took to Instagram to show her holiday cheer through various photos of herself dressed up like an elf.
Cyrus uploaded her first elf photo on Saturday, in which she captioned it "elfie selfie" along with three Christmas tree emojis.
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Her elf costume consisted of a green elf-esque sweater dress with a matching green elf-esque hat with a little bit of red in it and mega-sized elf ears attached to it. Cyrus was wearing a sparkly silver wig along with shimmery leggings and black knee high boots.
Cyrus shared a selfie then that gave a close up of her face, which showed off her glimmering eye shadow as seen below. She captioned it "turnt up elfie".
Cyrus went on to share even more photos, including one that's mildly inappropriate since she's toting a fake gun and revealing some skin in a sexual nature. She also had a blue cowboy hat on top of her elf hat. Plus, she's holding a sign that's pretty blunt.
The Adore You singer showed off herself in another photo she captioned "pimp juice," which is decked out with party cups of various colors.
pimp juice A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on Dec 12, 2014 at 8:50pm PST
Cyrus even posed in her elf costume on the hood of a car as seen below.
A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on Dec 12, 2014 at 10:42pm PST
See more Cyrus "elfie" photos on her Instagram.