Drake News: 'Thank Me Later' Rapper Shares Clip Of His Mom Telling The World Why He's So Emotional [VIDEO]
It's no secret that rapper Aubrey Drake Graham, who records under the stage name Drake, is one of the greatest rappers and songwriters to ever grace the stage.
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The rapper is well known for his overly emotional rap lyrics, and its safe to say that he is no stranger to showing emotion.
On Thursday, Drake's mother Sandi offered up an explanation as to why her son may come off as an emotional being and why fans think he may be a cry baby.
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In the two-part video, Sandi admitted that she's never seen him cry on stage or in each other's company. She also added that her son's fans don't think he cries, they only image that Drake would be someone who could cry.
Drakes mother describes her son as being a "sensitive soul."
My mom on why people think I cry a lot
A video posted by champagnepapi (@champagnepapi) on Dec 12, 2014 at 4:21pm PST
Sensitive Soul A video posted by champagnepapi (@champagnepapi) on Dec 12, 2014 at 4:22pm PST
It's very obvious that the rapper is passionate about his music, and taps into his personal life to give his fans a taste of his reality.
The rapper's albums Thank Me Later and Nothing Was The Same were a recollection of Drake's heartbreak stories, his family life, and other personal situations, and it's clear that his fans like what they're hearing.
Whether or not people like Drake's sensitivity or not, it looks like his fans love him for who he is, and his mom also has his back.