The highly-anticipated unveiling and release of the Apple iPhone 5 is around the corner and people are buzzing about its new handheld features, with a major one in specific.

As of yet, it is unconfirmed whether the new phone will feature the Near Field Communication (NFC) technology, "turning the new iPhone into a wallet," according to the International Business Times. If included, however, NFC will provide perks such as mobile payment and users will be able to store credit card, bank and other payment information on the device. provided information backing up rumors that the new phone will have a NFC chip located next to the front-facing camera. The NFC standard also used radio frequency identification technology to allow near-field communication for short-distance electric devices, according to the site.

On the other hand, an Aug. 29 report by supported rumors swirling that the iPhone 5 will not have NFC included in it, with evidence shown on the new phone's backside.

"Given the primarily metal backside of the new iPhone, it's highly unlikely that NFC is in the cards for this generation. In fact, given the very little space at top and bottom dedicated to those glass RF windows, you can almost entirely rule it out," they said. "The NFC antenna itself would need ample and dense space, more than would be possible if it were placed at the tight top or bottom of the phone's assembly."

A backside view of the new phone was provided by the site as well. Among the other rumored features, some more believed than others, include a bigger screen, a more powerful processor, a better camera, 4G/LTE networks support and enhanced Bluetooth capabilities.

The phone will be released on Sept. 21, with its unveiling on Sept. 12 but "leaked" photos have already surfaced.

Iphone 5