iPhone 5 Pre-Orders Sold Out in One Hour; Where to Get Yours Now?
Within minutes the supply of phones were quickly taken by consumers eager to get their hands on the most highly anticipated iPhone 5.
Pre-orders for the new phone began at 12:01am PDT this morning marking what some analysts believe will be the biggest launch so far for an electronic product.
Times for shipping moved from one week to two and in some regions over three. This follows suit of last year's release of iPhone 4S which saw similar results.
The growing trend of lines outside of Apple stores around the world is almost guaranteed as people choose to wait on their feet when the phone is released on September 21.
Phone carriers are expecting a boost in sales this upcoming season and many will be able to support the 4G LTE network capabilities the new iPhone offers. So far, AT&T says there will be an estimated 14.4 million in smartphone sales coming this quarter. "It will impact everybody's results," said John Stephens, CFO of AT&T.
There are also an estimated 44% of people looking to upgrade from their old iPhones to the new device.
Wal-Mart will be selling the device for $10 under competitors' prices if the phone is purchased with a two year plan with AT&T, Verizon or Sprint services. Customers are expected to come in person and deposit $25 at the time of purchase where they'll be given a card showing their reservation.
It also appears that there's no issue with the connector cable which is 80% smaller than the previous one requiring a new adapter to be purchased. Adapters have also sold out showing that consumers will pay whatever it takes to integrate the new phone with their current systems.