The mother of actress Lark Voorhies, best known as Lisa Turtle in the hit 1990's show "Saved by the Bell," admitted in a recent interview that her daughter was diagnosed with bipolar disorder while trying to end rumors that Voorhies, 38, was on drugs or had plastic surgery.

Her mother Tricia told People, "There are things that have traumatized her. I care deeply about my daughter and I want her to resume her life."

In a series of interviews with People, the publication noted that Voorhies "would frequently stop mid-sentence and stare off, often mumbling to herself or to others who weren't there."

However, the actress has come out denying anything is wrong with her, and saying that even her mother's claims about her being bipolar are incorrect.

"I have a strong spiritual sense," she said. "You caught me in moments of pray [sic]," addressing her bizarre behavior during interviews with the magazine. Voorhies said she is not sick and that she is busy working on low-budget indie productions, recording music and self-publishing her own books.

Fox News added that Voorhies stated, "They can't explain it. They can't treat it. They don't know about it," in reference to whatever it is causing her to behave strangely.

She said her mother is "overloving" and worries about her too much.

Speculation that Voorhies was perhaps on drugs began earlier this year when she made a guest appearance and had an interview on "The Yo Show." She denied those accusations, along with others saying that she had plastic surgery.

"Saved by the Bell" aired on ABC from 1989-1993. Though she had roles in two spinoff series' and made appearances in daytime shows such as "The Bold and the Beautiful," no other project has brought her as much recognition as her character Lisa Turtle did.

Fox noted that according to Tricia, the end of "Saved By the Bell" and her daughter's 2001 divorce both had negative affects on Voorhies, the latter of which she said "caused a kind of break."