Wide-Eyed Chipotle Worker Picture with Mitt Romney Goes Viral [Photo]
It can be exciting to meet a famous person -- and one man's expression after meeting Mitt Romney has made him an internet sensation.
Marty Arps, manager of a Chipotle Mexican Grill in Denver, met the Republican presidential candidate on Tuesday when Romney came in for lunch.
After greeting customers for about five minutes, Romney couldn't pass up a photo opportunity and neither could the staff of the Mexican restaurant.
Arps posed with a wide-eyed look as he stood next to and pointed to Romney. The look has brought him internet stardom as the photo is being passed around social media sites like Twitter.
In an interviewed with The Daily about the look, the twenty-year-old said: "It's a facial expression I do when I'm excited."
Romney didn't seem to notice the look on the manager's face. If he did he didn't comment.
"It didn't seem awkward," said Associated Press photographer Charles Dharapak, who was taking pictures of the event. "It didn't seem awkward. Everyone was having a good time."
This isn't the first time Arps has met a celebrity and made his signature wide-eyed look as he says he did the same thing after meeting singer Nicki Minaj.
"It's like, 'Ah, it's them, right there in front of you!' They're not from another world,'" said Arps.
The Republican presidential candidate was making preparations for his debate with President Barack Obama that took place in Denver on Wednesday.
Romney reportedly had a pork burrito bowl with guacamole with Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, his debate trainer.
The appearance by Romney didn't sway Arps' vote as he told The Daily that he's still undecided. Arps added that he's "not too hip to elections and stuff."