Samsung Galaxy S3 Android 4.1 JellyBean Update Confirmed for US Carriers; Sprint, AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon
The Samsung Galaxy S3 Jelly Bean Update has been confirmed for the U.S., with a new list released this week that reveals which devices have already been, and which are to be, updated to the Jelly Bean on the five major U.S. carriers.
The list shows clearly which device owners can expect the Android 4.1 Jelly Bean update on T-Mobile, AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and U.S. Cellular. The list also confirms that the Samsung Galaxy S3 will be receiving the update on all five carriers.
The news comes as other reports recently confirmed that a Jelly Bean update for the Galaxy S3 on Sprint has already been leaked. It showed up as a ROM at XDA's developer's forum, where it can be installed on the Samsung device.
The latest build of the Android operating system features TouchWiz skin, as well as Project Butter and Google Now.
However, there have been some reports of problems with the ROM, as XDA members have said apps have been crashing with it.
For those who do try the leaked upgrade they should be aware that it would void their warranty on the device.
The hype surrounding the new Jelly Bean on the Samsung Galaxy S3 is just the latest wave of news surrounding the hugely popular Android device. Recently there was a wave of interest as a new Garnet Red version of the phone was released.
The popularity of Samsung’s flagship smartphone has stunned many analysts, and many had thought the device’s sales would drop off sharply with the release of Apple’s new iPhone 5.
However, in the UK it was recently announced that the Samsung Galaxy S3 remains the top selling device there despite the new iPhone 5’s release on Sept. 21, according to a Mobile Tracker report from uSwitch.