In the first presidential debate, which aired on Oct. 3, President Barack Obama's performance was called "lackluster."

A column in the National Journal said he fell prey to "the curse of incumbency" and "fell victim Wednesday night to high expectations, a short fuse and a hungry challenger."

The first presidential debate was clearly a win for Republican candidate Mitt Romney, however, Tuesday night's debate, the second out of three before the presidential election, was said to be a better night for Obama. Reports are stating that Obama won the presidential debate on Oct. 16.

"In every debate, whatever the format, whatever the questions, there is one and only one way to identify the winner: Who commands the room? Who drives the narrative? Who is in charge?" Yahoo News reporter and political correspondent Jeff Greenfield said. "More often than not on Tuesday night... Obama had the better of it."

Maybe our current president won the debate this time around because of his decision to not play so nice.

Obama had a strong counter punch in many of the attacks that Romney made. When the Republican said, "have you checked your pension?" Obama swung back with "I haven't looked at my pension; it's not as big as yours."

When Romney accused Obama of holding back the use of coal, the president answered back by reminded Romney of a time where he vowed to shut down a coal-fired power plant.

"President Obama soundly beat expectations in his second contest against Republican challenger Mitt Romney," The Washington Post reported, sourcing three sites where people bet on who will win the election - with Obama's chance rising as the debate went on last night."

One set of statistics included in the report showed a rise in the president's chances from 61.7 percent before the debate started, to 64.1 percent shortly after it ended.

One debate win for Romney, one for Obama. The third debate is now believed to be the tie-breaker.

What do you think?

Obama, Presidential debate