The latest presidential polls show Mitt Romney remaining in the lead against President Obama.

As of Wednesday, Mitt Romney remains in a two point lead over Barack Obama, according to Rasmussen's daily Presidential poll.

Romney currently has a two point lead with 49 percent of voter support over President Obama with 47 percent. The poll also showed one percent of voters supporting a third-party candidate and three percent still undecided.

The results for Wednesday's poll were based on phone interviews over three consecutive nights. The number of people interviewed increased from 500 to 1,000 for the week leading to Election Day.

Hurricane Sandy has impacted Rasmussen as they noted on their website: "Rasmussen Reports is based in Asbury Park, New Jersey and we were hit hard by Hurricane Sandy. However, our survey interview calls are placed from a different location, so data gathering was able to continue. Today, however, we will release only a limited amount of data. We hope to resume a more complete schedule tomorrow."

Currently Romney is attracting more support from his party, with 90 percent of Republican voters, as well as having the lead with voters not affiliated with either party that give him an additional 11 points. Barack Obama has the support of 86 percent of Democrats.

The latest Electoral College projected reports show President Obama leading with 237 Electoral Votes and Romney at 206. In order to become President of the United States, a candidate needs 270 Electoral Votes. With 95 Electoral Votes remaining outside what are considered firmly decided states, the latest toss-up states are Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Wisconsin, Colorado, Iowa, Nevada and New Hampshire.

Election Day is nearing and each day is becoming more crucial to the candidates' chances of taking the presidency.

Latest presidential polls, Latest election polls, Latest polls, President Obama, Presidential election 2012, Election day, Barack Obama, Mitt romney, Governor romeny, Democrat, Republican, Rasmussen