New Yorkers will be able to cast their vote at any poll within the city on Election Day November 6, Governor Andrew Cuomo said today.

Cuomo signed an executive order today citing Hurricane Sandy, which states that as long as a voter is registered to vote within one of the federally declared counties of New York City, he or she can cast a vote at voting stations other than the ones to which they are assigned.

Cuomo said the executive order was to maximize voter participation and address worries that hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers wouldn't be able to vote because they were displaced from their homes or because the poll places had been destroyed by Sandy.

Hurricane Sandy has struck a deadly blow, destroying lives, countless houses and businesses, displacing thousands of New Yorkers from their homes, Cuomo's order said.

The death toll from hurricane Sandy rose to 42 on Friday, according to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

On Sunday, Cuomo said several tens of thousands of New York residents would have to be relocated due to damage to their homes.

Approximately 30,000 to 40,000 people in New York City lost their homes or their homes suffered heavy damages, or are without electricity, according to Bloomberg Sunday.

New york city