An unusual event took place at an elementary school in Colorado when a young girl was arrested on Tuesday for marijuana possession.

Police arrested a 10-year-old girl at Evans Elementary School in Falcon, Colo. The girl, whose name has been withheld since she is a minor, was handcuffed on school grounds when she was found carrying marijuana. She told police that she took it to school after finding it in her home and telling a friend about it, who then wanted her to bring the drug to class.

The marijuana reportedly belonged to the father of the girl and was given for medical use.

The father told KRDO that he had a medical marijuana card and that he used the drug to help minimize chronic pain and to help with his ADHD. The marijuana was kept in a locked room and his daughter had been told not to touch it, according to the father's testimony to police.

The girl told her father she knew it was wrong to take the drug and that she wanted to make the situation right. She's due to appear in court in December.

The elementary school is located in District 49 in El Paso County and school officials have expelled the girl for bringing the illegal drug to her class. The decision was made by the district because of the zero tolerance policy toward drugs like marijuana, even if it was legally prescribed for a medical reason.

The incident started a debate whether the proper action was taken.

"I am a Former Law Enforcement Officer & what you did to this 10 yr Old is WRONG!" one reader said on the KRDO site. "I don't care what kind of policies or law is in place - She is 10 yrs Old for crying out loud! You don't Handcuff a non-combative 10 yr Old for one thing & you don't charge a 10 yr Old with Marijuana Possission - Period!"

However, others argued that the child should have known better and many agreed that the school took the proper actions.

Marijuana, Colorado