Barack Obama
The Clintons are seeking a clean slate to leave open the door for a presidential run. Political pundits and commentators are already speculating about whether Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will run for president in 2016, but first she is focusing on wiping out all the lingering campaign debt from her 2008 bid. -
Jeb Bush 2016? Brother Of George W. Bush Could Run For President In Four Years
Bush is currently mulling the pros and cons of making a run for the White House. President Barack Obama hasn't even been sworn in for his second term yet, but curious political eyes are already looking ahead to what the presidential field may look like in 2016. -
Honey Boo Boo Made of Trash, Garbage Portrait Created by Artist Jason Mecier
Details on the latest antics of television reality star Honey Boo Boo. Honey Boo Boo can now truly be called one of the trashiest reality stars, at least in terms of art that is. -
Election Results 2012; Voter Turnout Less Than Previous Elections
A look into the overall election results for the 2012 race between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama With the results from Election Day 2012 finalized, analysts are able to see details on voter turnout which turned out to be less than previous years. -
Hillary Clinton 2016? Secretary of State Remains Vague About Future
Clinton will leave the Obama administration this year and said she plans to take a rest. Though less than a week has passed since President Barack Obama won another four years in the White House, political pundits are already speculating about who will make a run for his office in 2016. -
Florida Election Results: Obama Wins Sunshine State
The win in Florida brings Obama's final electoral vote tally to 332. After days of delays, Florida has finally declared that Barack Obama won the state and will pocket its electoral votes in his final tally for the 2012 presidential race. -
Obama Tears Up: Emotional Thank You To Staff For Re-Election (WATCH VIDEO)
A usually reserved President Obama broke down and got emotional on-camera for the first time. "No Drama Obama" was captured flowing tears of joy as he thanked his campaign staff for helping him get his re-elected. The video was released on Thursday, Nov. 8 and has since gone viral. "What you guys have done means the work that I'm doing is important," said the president. "I'm really proud of that. I'm really proud of all of you." The President then wipes away tears during the meeting held at his Chicago campaign headquarters the day after his re-election."I am absolutely confident that all of you are going to do just amazing things in your lives," Obama told staff members and volunteers. -
2016 Election: Who Might Seek The Presidency After Obama?
Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush are among high-profile figures who may run. It has not even been one week since President Barack Obama secured another four years in the White House, but pundits are already looking ahead to who might seek to become his successor in 2016. -
Barack Obama On 'South Park,' 'Obama Wins!' 2012 Election Special
"South Park" offered yet another show based on a very recent events- the presidential election. The show's creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker delivered an election special episode the night after Election Day.Stone and Parker's take on the elections featured their most foul-mouthed character, Eric Cartman, involved in a heist of the ballots. "Obama Wins!" had less to do with who won and more to do with the real election's voter fraud issues and one of Hollywood's most recent hot topics: the Disney buyout of Lucasfilm. -
Victoria Jackson Meltdown; Former 'SNL' Star 'Can't Stop Crying' Over President Obama's Reelection
The former "Saturday Night Live" performer had a meltdown on Twitter from the election. The 2012 presidential election divided the nation and left many in tears of joy. -
Hillary Clinton Leaving Secretary Of State, President In 2016?
Hilary Clinton's plans to leave her position as secretary of state and focus more on her private life has not been affected by President Barack Obama's re-election. A source confirmed that Clinton will see through to a successor stepping in so she can then focus more on her family. -
Lady Gaga Topless on Balcony; Mother Monster Pledges $1M to Sandy Relief
Performer Lady Gaga gave fans a real view from the balcony of her hotel in Brazil. Lady Gaga is usually seen wearing outrageous outfits, but now she's making news for not wearing much of anything. -
McDonald's Upside-Down Flag Upsets Veterans in W. Va.
A McDonalds in Ohio Valley sparked controversy by placing their flag upside-down after the election. -
Election Results 2012: Barack Obama Leads Popular Vote, Florida Still Uncertain
Obama has secured 50 percent of the popular vote thus far. Though it has been two whole days since Barack Obama official won a second term as president of the United States, the final wave of election results are still pouring in. -
Florida Election Results: Obama Ahead, But All Votes Not Yet Counted
A winner has not been declared in Florida two days after the election. Barack Obama secured a victory in the 2012 president election two days ago, but one high-profile state is still too close to call - Florida. -
Ryan Wins Re-Election: Despite Failed VP Bid, A Victory In Wisconsin
Paul Ryan will serve another term in the U.S. House of Representatives. Mitt Romney may have lost his bid for the presidency on Tuesday night, but the evening wasn't a total wash for his running mate Paul Ryan. -
Popular Vote 2012, Obama Widens Margin Over Romney
Presidential elections are decided on Electoral College votes, not popular votes. Nevertheless, people are curious who won the popular vote in the 2012 election and reports are noting that President Barack Obama has a large lead over Mitt Romney. -
Eva Longoria in Tears Over President Obama's Re-election
Actress Eva Longoria was brought to tears with the news of Obama's White House victory. President Barack Obama's re-election was a big moment for America last night and supporter Eva Longoria truly felt the emotion of the evening. -
Fiscal Cliff Looming for President Obama's Second Term
With the election over, it's time for President Obama to turn his attention to the approaching fiscal cliff. -
Donald Trump Twitter Rant: Calls Obama's Election Victory a "Sham And Travesty"
Donald Trump took to Twitter shortly after President Obama's re-election victory. The real estate mogul, who had refused to accept presidential candidate Mitt Romney had lost the election, called the president's win as a "total sham and travesty" on Election Day. -
Total Votes 2012: 118 Million Americans Cast Ballots For Obama, Romney
Obama had decisive wins in both the popular and electoral votes. Now that all is said and done and President Barack Obama has secured another four years in the White House, political commentators are turning their attention to this year's voter turnout statistics.