mitt romney
The president carried both the electoral vote and popular vote in the 2012 election. Once official voting results began pouring in in Tuesday night, it didn't take the major networks very long to declare that President Barack Obama had won four more years in the White House. -
Romney Concession Speech, Includes His Hopes For Obama & America
Republican Mitt Romney conceded defeat in the presidential race on Wednesday and said that he hopes the president will guide the nation the right way. -
Who Won The Election: President Barack Obama Re-Elected [WATCH VICTORY SPEECH ]
President Barack Obama defeated Republican nominee Mitt Romney on Tuesday to garner a re-election into the Oval Office. Obama exceeded the 270-vote minimum needed for a second term with an Electoral College win in Ohio. The Democratic candidate also was victorious in another one of the swing states, Virginia, which gave him 303 electoral votes to Romney's 206. -
Election 2012: Celebrities At Election Polls (PHOTOS)
Election 2012 Celebrities At Election Polls (PHOTOS) On Election Day 2012, the hottest entertainers joined millions around the country to cast their ballot. -
Electoral College Map 2012: Obama Leading Romney By 90 Votes
A total of 281 electoral votes are leaning toward Obama. Americans finally hit the polls today after a long and rigorous 2012 presidential campaign, and voters and pundits alike are analyzing every piece of data possible to correctly predict who will be the victor at the end of the evening. -
Who Is Winning The Election?: What Time The Next President Could Be Crowned
What time do pundits predict the next president will be named? After months and months of campaigning, Americans are eager to know who will be their next president, but when exactly will the country have an official result? It could be late Tuesday evening, based on how tight the race has been over the last few weeks, with President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney virtually neck and neck in the polls over the last several weeks. -
Presidential Polls 2012: Final Data Shows Obama Leading Romney
The racial and ethnic make-up of voters will have a large effect on the results. After months and months of a long and rigorous 2012 presidential campaign, Election Day has finally arrived in America. -
Exit Polls 2012: What To Watch For During Presidential Projections
A guide to getting the most out of exit poll results. As Election Day winds down in America, citizens and pundits alike are crawling the Internet and crunching data to predict a victor in the presidential race as soon as possible. -
Exit Polls 2012 Results; How Preliminary Poll Results Are Gathered
A look into what's expected from the preliminary exit poll results. The preliminary exit poll results come out in full this evening giving Americans a glimpse at how the rest of the country casted their ballots. -
Early Election Results 2012: Updated Stats For 5 Swing States [Ohio, Colorado, Iowa, Virginia, WIsconsin]
With the 2012 Presidential Election currently underway and in a dead heat, many reports are indicating that President Barack Obama is holding an early advantage on the former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney. -
'I Voted' Sticker Freebies; Voters Angered by Sticker Shortage Print Their Own
The sticker has become a symbol of the election. One of the biggest symbols of the election is the simple "I Voted" sticker that everyone receives after they cast their ballot. -
Presidential Polls Ohio: Final Poll Results Show Obama with Slight Lead Over Romney
The final Ohio Poll from the Institute for Policy Research finds President Obama with a lead over GOP nominee Mitt Romney, 50 percent support to 48.5. -
Election Map 2012; Obama Leading Romney In Electoral College Votes
Details on the latest voting and polling results around the country. As the election results roll in, Barack Obama leads overall in Electoral College Votes over Mitt Romney. -
Candy Crowley Slip: Calls Republican Nominee "President Romney" [VIDEO]
Presidential debate moderator and current news anchor of CNN's "State of the Union" slipped up on national television on Nov. 4 when she accidentally gave Republican candidate Mitt Romney the moniker of "President Romney" during an on-air interview with a Republican senator of Ohio Rob Portman. -
Swing State Polls: Latest Rasmussen Projects A Mitt Romney Lead
While millions of voters currently flocking to their local polling places throughout the U.S., the latest pre-election results still indicate a tight race. For the most part, political forecasters are mainly projecting Obama to pull out a narrow victory over Romney in enough of the battleground states to put him over the 270 electoral votes required for re-election into the Oval Office. -
Presidential Polls Colorado: Race Still Close Between Obama, Romney
Colorado offers nine electoral voters to the candidate who wins there. After months and months of campaigning across the country, presidential candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney will finally meet their fate today as millions of Americans head to the polls and cast their votes for who will occupy the White House for the next four years. -
Presidential Polls Florida: Latest Data Shows Obama, Romney In Dead Heat
Florida offers 29 electoral votes to the candidate who can carry the state. Election Day in America has finally arrived, and as has been the case over the last few weeks, the most intense spotlight is on a handful on important swing states that are still too close to call but where the outcome of the election could ultimately be decided. -
Electoral College Map 2012: Obama Leads Romney By 86 Votes, Latest Data Shows
A total of 70 electoral votes are still too close to call. The 2012 presidential campaign has officially reached its end, and Americans across the country are heading to the polls today to elect either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney as the next president of the United States. -
Latest Presidential Polls: Obama Beating Romney In Electoral Forecast
The candidates are virtually neck and neck with one day before the election. With only one day to go before the end of the 2012 race for the White House, presidential candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney still find themselves in a virtual dead heat as political pundits continue to consider the race too close to call. -
Presidential Polls 2012: Obama Trails Romney By One Percentage Point
The two candidates have been neck and neck for the last several weeks. Only one final day remains in the 2012 presidential election, and even in the last hours before Americans begin casting their ballots, political pundits are looking to nationwide polling data to predict who might come out on top Tuesday. -
Electoral College Map Update; Obama Remains with Lead Over Romney in Majority of Swing States
Details on the last poll results and political leanings for each state. With Election Day tomorrow, it's still too close to call for both President Barack Obama and Gov.