"Naruto Shippuden" is a massively successful anime series and is now at its ending story arc. The ending theme song for the anime series has been teased.
In 2017, the creator plans to say goodbye to the anime’s long-running Naruto Shippuden show. A new phase of Naruto will be introduced to fans in just a few months.
What to expect in the next episode of 'Naruto Shippuden.' Rumor has it that episode 477 of Naruto Shippuden will be an hour-long event. The question on everyone's minds is how Naruto will convince Sasuke to return home to Sakura.
With nothing else to cover but the final battle, fans are apprehensive about the possibility of Studio Pierrot drawing out the battle between Naruto and Sasuke for weeks to come.
The 474th episode of 'Naruto Shippuden' has just aired, and it is as heartfelt and impactful as fans hoped it could be. Next week, the end of Shippuden begins.