Bob Marley's granddaughter Donisha Prendergast demanded accountability for an incident involving Airbnb. The filmmaker called for an investigation into police handling of the situation, which she felt involved racial profiling.
Fans of Charlize Theron shouldn't be shocked if the South African actress heads out of America anytime soon. After all, she would be doing it for the sake of her children, Jackson and August.
United States President Donald Trump had been receiving backlash for his statements that were deemed 'racist.' His son Donald Trump Jr. recently rushed to rescue his dad.
Beyonce's father, music executive and lecturer Mathew Knowles, spoke out about colorism in the music industry. He reckoned that both Beyonce and sister Solange wouldn't be half as successful if they had darker skin.
During an on-air segment, journalist Sharon Reed read an email from a viewer who vehemently told her to stop “race-baiting” when she reports news and called her the n-word several times.
Police Captain Carri Weber was placed on administrative leave after she told a fellow police officer he does not understand the discrimination faced by transgender people because of his white male privilege.
Popular social media app Snapchat has found itself in the center of yet another controversy after it released a filter that looks, for all intents and purposes, like an Asian caricature.