Race in America: How To Watch New Special 'The Talk' on PBS or Online [VIDEO]
The Talk - Race in America is a timely new documentary set to air on PBS tonight, and here's how and when to watch it.
The Talk - Race in America examines how communities of color talk to their children about police brutality and the racial dynamics in America. The documentary is presented in six parts from various portions of the country, all produced by different filmmakers.
One part of the documentary centers on the "Parent 2 Parent" program, which features black parents speaking with white parents about having "the talk" about race with their sons. Segments include interviews with Samaria Rice, son of Tamir Rice, Rev. Catherine Brown, who was assaulted by police in front of her children,, retired NYPD Sgt. Trevena Garel, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, the Ramirez family whose son Oscar was killed by a Los Angeles County sherriff, and members of the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy.
Other interviewees who share their experiences include black-ish creator Kenya Barris, actress Rosie Perez, Boyz N the Hood director John Singleton and The New York Times columnist Charles Blow.
Tonight the documentary #TheTalk premiers on PBS. I'm featured in the film. Tune in if you can. https://t.co/23cOjoBjBg #TheTalkPBS pic.twitter.com/v5dTiQQhmL
— Charles M. Blow (@CharlesMBlow) February 20, 2017
The project was directed and supervised by filmmaker Sam Pollard, along with fellow Oscar nominee Julie Anderson.
The Talk - Race in America is set to air Monday night at 9/8c on PBS, and lasts until 11/10c. It remains to be seen if the documentary will be available to stream on the PBS website after it airs, but check this site tomorrow to see.
To live tweet and follow along with others watching The Talk - Race in America on PBS, use hashtag #TheTalkPBS on Twitter.