Netflix debuts a thrilling trailer for its fourth season episode, "Metalhead." Since the holiday season began, the streaming service has released five trailers for the six-episode television show and fans can't get enough! -
'Rick and Morty' Season 3: Adult Swim Releases The First Episode Of 'Rick and Morty' Season 3
'Rick and Morty' Season 3 has just seen the light of the day with its first episode being aired on April Fool's Day. -
Seven Earth-Like Exoplanets Discovered Outside Our Solar System; Could This Answer The Question ‘Are We Alone In The Universe?’
NASA has announced the discovery of seven Earth-like planets outside the solar system and three of these seven are in the habitable zone known as Goldilocks Zone -
Carbon Dioxide to Ethanol: Magic or Science?
Recent advances in science has turned CO2 into Ethanol. Although both carbon contents, this has never happened before. -
Couple Lost Dog: Owners Clone Their Pet After Its Death [VIDEO]
A couple from Yorkshire, England decided to do a drastic measure after the death of their beloved dog. -
Science Speaks Up And Explains Why People Troll On The Internet
While many people do enjoy chatting and debating issues online, approximately 5.6% of individuals self identify as trolls. -
‘Planet Nine’ Beyond Neptune: 4 Questions About Astronomical Discovery Answered
Caltech researchers revealed we may have an undiscovered planet in our solar system, which probably leaves you with some questions. Here are the answers. -
Mom Delivers Triplet No. 3 After 11 Years!
A British mother delivered her triplet no. 3 after 11 years. This story of a British mother delivering her third twin after 11 years is still one of the most stunning scientific feats in history. -
How Your Pets View The World: New App Mimicks The Eyesight Of Several Animals
Curious just how your favorite pets view the world? A new app mimics just that. Ever wonder what the world looks like through the eyes of your pet? Thanks to research being done at the University of Exeter, we're now one step closer to understanding animal POV. -
Science News: A Blood Moon Comes On Saturday, Are We Just Two More Away From The End Of The World? [VIDEO]
A blood moon is coming! Find out everything you need to know about the end of the worl and blood moons before Saturday night. -
Giant Sea Creature: 7-Foot Aegirocassis Benmoulae Hints At Arthropod Evolution [PHOTOS]
Giant Sea Creature: 7-Foot Aegirocassis Benmoulae Hints At Arthropod Evolution [PHOTOS] The fossils of a giant sea creature have scientists digging into Earth's Ordovician past. -
Meteor Shower Tonight: Where & When To View Geminids, Live Stream From Slooh & NASA VIDEO
Meteor Shower Tonight: Where & When To View Geminids, Live Stream From Slooh & NASA VIDEO Stargazers are in for a treat tonight as the annual Geminid meteor shower reaches its peak. -
Geminid Meteor Shower 2013: Peak Time Tonight, Watch Live December 13
Geminid Meteor Shower 2013: Peak Time Tonight, Watch Live December 13 Stargazers can look to the sky tonight for the peak of the Geminid meteor shower. -
Lunar Eclipse LIVE STREAM: Watch Full Moon Online 2013 @ 4:30PM ET
Lunar Eclipse LIVE STREAM: Watch Full Moon Online 2013 @ 4:30PM ET Stargazers are in for a double treat tonight as the fall sky will be home to both the Hunter Moon and a penumbral eclipse. -
Cosmic Crash 2022: Scientists Set To Intentionally Crash A Spacecraft Into Large Asteroid, VIDEO
Scientists in both the United States and Europe are reportedly moving ahead with plans to intentionally crash a spacecraft into a huge nearby asteroid in 2022 in order to study the inside of the space rock. -
Geminids Meteor Shower December 2012: Watch Time Lapse VIDEO of Nature's Light Show
People across the world were treated to a light show of Geminid meteors cruising through the cloudless skies on Thursday night and early Friday morning. The respective spectators were able to witness a minimum of 20 to 30 meteors per hour as well as a couple of fireballs. -
Polar Ice Sheets Melting Fast; New Study Links Rise in Sea Level
A new study shows that the polar ice sheets are melting at a quicker rate than previously thought. While global warming is a heated topic, the ice sheets covering the coldest parts of our world are melting at an increasing rate. -
Leonid Meteor Shower 2012: Peak & Time On Nov. 17
At roughly 3 a.m. in the morning of Nov. 17, the 2012 Leonid meteor shower is set to peak. Nature's show of astrological proportions, will treat its viewers to bright and colorfully lit up skies. -
Nor'easter Storm 2012: More Frustration For Northeast Residents
Many residents across the northeast who have just begun to get their electricity back from the ramifications of superstorm Sandy have now lost it yet again, courtesy of a nor'easter. Wind gusts across Long Island, N.Y. were reported to reach up to 54 mph. Rain and snow on Wednesday also added to the frustration of many New Yorkers and New Jersey occupants. -
Hurricane Sandy Projected Path: View LIVE STORM TRACKER, U.S. Landfall Next Week
Weather forecasters are stating that Sandy, along with an expanding wind field that's 550 miles in width, has began to merge with a polar air mass over the eastern United States. The potential results are said to have the potential to cause a "superstorm," which could impose a serious threat along the East Coast. -
Orionid Meteor Shower October 2012; Weekend Peak Sunday Before Dawn
The Orionid Meteor Shower is already showing in California before it's supposed to peak this weekend.