Troubled Celebrities
Amanda Bynes is reportedly planning her return to the Hollywood scene. An insider said the actress has recovered from her mental breakdown and has already started making appearances. -
Lamar Odom Instagram: Star's Rep Explains Why He Collapsed, He Stays Quiet
Lamar Odom has stayed quiet after he fainted in a nightclub over the weekend. However, a rep for the star has spoken out and explained what happened. -
Justin Bieber Videos: Raw Footage Shows Singer Being Kicked Out Coachella [VIDEO]
Justin Bieber was kicked out of Coachella over the weekend and someone got it all on tape. Justin Bieber can't seem to catch a break when it comes to getting in trouble for being a wild boy, and this time it was all caught on camera. -
'Family Matters' Cast Arrest: Darius McCrary Slams Authorities After Being In Custody [VIDEO]
Darius McCrary of 'Family Matters' has been arrested and he didn't waste time in dissing officials. -
Suge Knight News 2015: Death Row Records CEO Released From Hospital, Back In Jail On Murder Charges [VIDEO]
Suge Knight has been released from the hospital and is now back behind bars. Suge Knight has been released from the hospital and is now back behind bars. -
Chris Brown Jail 2014: 'Loyal' Singer Arrested After Rehab Hookup [DETAILS, VIDEO]
If being kicked out of rehab wasn't bad enough for Fine China singer Chris Brown, it landed him behind bars.
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