The 'Damn Daniel' guys took on New York in a brand new video.

On Tuesday, Teen Vogue released a video of Daniel Lara and Josh Holz who became overnight celebrities after creating the famous clip forever known as 'Damn Daniel.' And fans might be happy to see that Lara and Holz are in New York with the white vans.

From the looks of it, neither of the teen guys knew how to handle the big state as they are from Riverside, California. They didn't prepare themselves for the cold weather or how to get around without a car.

They also don't seem to realize how street signs work in another state as they were telling the taxi driver to take them to In 'N Out by using Van Buren and Magnolia, two streets in Riverside.

Of course, Shake Shack had to be the next alternate restaurant to get a burger where they don't seem to have animal style fries like they do at other certain fast food joints.

After having some lunch and spilling ketchup on the Vans, Holz let out his popular phrase "Damn Daniel," adding that he just got a brain freeze.

As the video continues, Lara and Holz look more oblivious to how it works in New York. They go as far as bringing their surf boards to Times Square only to ask where the beach is located.

When that fails, they lie down in the park and get as much sun as they can.

See what happens next in the video below.

Damn Daniel