Marijuana legalization in California has just lost support from many of the growers in the State. Here is the reason why they oppose Proposition 64.

Hezekiah Allen, the executive director of California Growers Association, has been dreaming of the day when pot growers like him will no longer be considered outlaws and when marijuana is finally legalized in the country.

However, according to Yahoo, Allen could not give his support to Prop. 64 and might not even vote in favor of the marijuana legalization in November. Many people might think that pot growers will automatically support the proposition, but that is far from the truth.

For Allen and many other individuals like him, the marijuana legalization in California may end up not benefitting the growers at all. Non-pot farmers are focusing on the ethical and moral standpoints in choosing whether to support the legalization or not. However, growers are more straightforward with their views.

Many growers are afraid of the legalization because this might subject them to onerous management and red tape. Going legal means being subjected to taxes and may even lead to warrantless searches.

TIME mentioned that other growers are also anxious of going head-to-head with big businesses. They feel that once marijuana is legalized, their farms will be subjected to unfair competition that could kill their business entirely.

Allen declared, "I don't want to replace criminal injustice with an economic injustice."

There isn't any assurance to these pot farm owners that their livelihood will be safeguarded if Proposition 64 is passed into a bill. Without any clear statements as to what the growers will gain out of the legalization, many believe that the state will be up for failure.

To top it off, a big percentage of pot growers need to be assured that their business will be just as lucrative as when marijuana is still not legal. Otherwise, some might end up selling their product to states where the plant-use remains unlawful.
