Ever since the return of "Crash Bandicoot" in the gaming world has been announced, a lot of game enthusiasts are now excited. In fact, some hope that it will be released on other platforms, but "Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy" will exclusively run on PlayStation 4.

One interested gamer asked if there would be a chance that "Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy" would be out on other gaming platforms, Ubergizmo reported. Unfortunately, PlayStation Ireland put the hopes of everyone down when it confirmed on Twitter that the upcoming game would only be a PlayStation 4 exclusive.

To recall, in the early days, "Crash Bandicoot" has been the trademark game of the first PlayStation game console. Hence, people's acceptance and excitement in the coming "Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy" is pretty understandable.

However, although things have changed and games are well developed, "Crash Bandicoot" return in "Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy" is still Sony PlayStation exclusive. The video game franchise has been often used as a demo game to promote the first release of the original game console.

With that, it is not a surprise if Sony will make "Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy" exclusively for PlayStation 4. But, it is still not yet revealed if this will run only for a time or will be solely for the said game platform permanently.

Meanwhile, the coming of "Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy" is announced at the recent PlayStation E3 conference. According to Press Start, "Crash Bandicoot" is included in "Skylanders" that is not PlayStation exclusive, thus some are questioning the exclusivity of the upcoming trilogy game.

It also remains a mystery who really owns the Crash Bandicoot character and the original "Crash Bandicoot" franchise. Hence, fans of the original title are still hoping to see
"Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy" on Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. The trilogy game would be out on June 30.

Playstation, Playstation 4, Skylanders, XBox One, Nintendo Switch, Sony