Kanye West Is Writing His Philosophy Book 'Break The Simulation' On Twitter
Fans of Kanye West don't have to wait too long to get a hold of his philosophy book, chunks of it are already being released on Twitter by the rapper himself.
The 40-year-old "Good Life" singer let out his thoughts on the microblogging platform and explained that the series of tweets were indeed his book. He further explained that his move meant that no publisher or publicist could dictate things to him, and stressed it's not for the money but for a chance to express himself.
West also released some disclaimer, saying he would work on his book whenever he feels like it. Fans were surprised about his moves because he just got back on Twitter and had announced that his book Break the Simulation is upcoming.
The topics of his tweets varied from parenting, consciousness, time, originality, and fear among many others. West seemed to have tried his best in self-editing his 280-character or less dozens of tweets, as he explained his efforts of changing all the "I's" into "We's," albeit some of the "we" were unnecessarily in capital letters (We).
At one tweet, West argued that parents are the first acting coaches, meaning acting might be one of the first things everyone learned in life. He then pointed to that as the culprit why people lose their sense of themselves. He cited a kid screaming at a restaurant, which will garner comments from onlookers, saying he needs to "learn how to act."
Some of his tweets seemed to have become advices, much like how an older man would give out helpful tips to survive life or the ones people read in self-help books. West remained he doesn't adhere to the idea of an enemy.
"We have been conditioned to always be in competition. Stop looking for something to beat and just be. You don't have to do all the work. Once you start moving in love the universe will assist you," he said.
West also dealt with the topic of originality and underlined how people focus too much on it. He encouraged people to just "be less concerned" when it comes to the originality of ideas and to avoid leaning on validation from others.
However, as much as he wanted to "publish" his book on the internet, as plain as day, some of his tweets needed some tweaking and editing, like this one:
"There's love stories. Pain happiness. It's 3 dementional. There's taste touch sound. It's the most entertaining for of entertainment. Just being. We believe time is a man made construct. Actually time and money are both man made currency. Because you can spend them both," West's tweet read.
often people working with the existing consciousness are jealous of those who are more in touch and they become hard-core capitalist in hopes of creating the illusion that the value of money is worth more than the value of time and friends — KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 16, 2018
You have the best ideas. Other people's opinions are usually more distractive than informative. Follow your own vision. base your actions on love. Do things you love and if you don't absolutely love something stop doing it as soon as you can. — KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 18, 2018
You will be a drop of water with the ocean as your army. If you move out of fear than your on your own. Then it's just you and the money and the countless people you have to lie to and manipulate to build a man made path that will never lead to true happiness. — KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 18, 2018