Tearless Amber Heard Is ‘Complicated Point’ in Defamation Trial: Body Language Expert

A body language expert explained Amber Heard's actions and movements when the actress first took the stand in the defamation trial with Johnny Depp.
Instead of her testimony, people paid more attention to Heard's fake crying when she delivered her statements last week. They even noted that the actress had been doing nothing but acting in front of the judge, especially due to her infamous "tearless crying."
But recently, a body language expert explained Heard's actions inside the court after analyzing her tearless sobs and bends in her seat.
In a new article shared by The Daily Mail, expert Judi James said that Heard's body language betrayed her conflicting emotions during her testimony. Among the points James noticed was the actress looking visibly emotional, although no tears ever rolled down her face.
The "Aquaman" actress wrinkled her chin and tearlessly sobbed to show her emotional state. While Depp's supporters have since condemned her over her "acting," James said that it was a complicated point since the cameras did not record if tears formed or if the actress' eyes even reddened.
"When guilty people perform tears, they often try to hide their dry eyes, poking them with fingers, squeezing them shut tight or prodding them with a hankie. When they cry for real the streaming tears are often prompted by self-pity. Amber's seemed to be truncated, but is that acting or bad acting or the innocent complex response of someone with mixed emotions?" she elucidated.
James also noted that Heard's face became "more animated" while speaking about the alleged abuse since she showed several emotions.
Amber Heard Showed Signs of Authenticity Despite "Tearless Crying"?
The body language expert also took her time to heed that Heard started showing herself when she took the stand. Since the defamation trial began, she appeared cold and unflinching. But everything instantly changed when she spoke for the first time.
James said that Heard expressed her emotions with her right hand while her left remained hidden. With that, the body language expert believed that her gestures were consistent and definitely matched her evidence.
"Her right hand was visible as she related dramatic moments from her past and in general, her gestures began before her words were formed, which is usually a sign of authenticity," she went on.
As for Heard's gazes toward Depp, James left two explanations for it: either she was showing her dominance or a sign of honesty.