Prince Harry is taking on Princess Diana's mantle when it comes to criticizing the British royal family, according to a royal expert.

Royal expert and author Tom Quinn claimed that the Duke of Sussex is letting "history repeat itself" by following in his late mom's footsteps in fighting against the royals. Many felt that Prince Harry targeted his family in his interviews and memoir "Spare," which some claimed was reminiscent of what the late Princess of Wales did.

"Harry's comment in 'Spare' that he 'wants peace' with the royal family for the sake of his mother is undoubtedly heartfelt, but in being so focused on Diana, Harry is actually allowing history to repeat itself," Quinn told the Mirror.

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Prince Charles, Princess Diana, Prince William and Prince Harry
Princess Diana(L), her sons Harry(2nd L) and William(2nd R), and Prince Charles(R) watch the parade march past as part of the commemorations of VJ Day 19 August in London.
(Photo : JOHNNY EGGITT/AFP via Getty Images)

He added that Meghan Markle's husband picked up the "mantle" from Princess Diana. The latter had an infamous falling-out with the royal family as she spoke about her unhappy marriage with King Charles, who had an affair with Queen Camilla before their divorce.

"Diana famously fell out with 'the firm' as she called it and spent much of her adult life criticizing an institution she felt had let her down. Harry has taken on his mother's mantle by carrying on exactly the same kind of criticism," Quinn continued.

"He hates that he feels he has to do this and he would like to be close again to his father King Charles and his brother Prince William, but like his mother, he's locked into a battle that has become an obsession for him."

Prince Harry has said mean things about his stepmother in his book. He called her "dangerous"and a "villain." He even referred to his father's second wife as the "third person" in his parents' marriage. He also accused Camilla of sacrificing him on her "personal PR altar."

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Princess Diana and Prince Charles
Prince Charles and the Princess of Wales (1961 - 1997, later Diana, Princess of Wales) at Westminster Abbey, London, for a centenary service for the Royal College Of Music, 28th February 1982.
(Photo : Fox Photos/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

He also admitted that he and his big brother asked their dad not to marry Camilla. However, they eventually supported their father's decision to wed her.

Last month, Prince Harry flew to the United Kingdom and announced his father would not meet him because of his "full program." However, a family friend claimed he had forced his dad to choose between him and his stepmom.

"Harry has made things very difficult for himself by saying such cruel and hurtful things about Camilla," the friend told The Daily Beast. "Charles loves his sons, but he also loves his wife. The last few months have made it very clear how important she is; she has been the one propping up the whole edifice," the source said.

"Harry has made it very clear, very publicly, that he despises her. He has forced Charles to choose, which was a very silly thing to do because Camilla and he both chose each other a long time ago."

Prince Harry
Prince Harry leaves after the Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla on May 6, 2023 in London, England.
(Photo : Dan Charity - WPA Pool/Getty Images)