With Apple's iPhone 7 seemingly set to look exactly like the iPhone 6 and 6S, rumors have emerged speculating that the tech giant's device for its 10th anniversary would feature a curved display.
Apple's 3D Touch technology might be unique to the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus right now, but thanks to engineers at the University of Michigan, the technology might be made available to all smartphones soon.
As more rumors about the upcoming iPhone 7 emerge, it seems like the speculated key features of the device are being dropped by the tech giant. Despite this, however, there might be hope for Apple's latest handset yet.
Google's recent products have proven to be popular products. With its recent successes in the hardware market, is Google preparing to take over Apple's and Amazon's reins?
Microsoft has announced that its popular calendar app, Sunrise, be removed from the App Store within the next few days. What's more, Sunrise will be fully discontinued starting August 31.
Despite earlier speculations, new rumors have emerged which suggest that the latest entry into Apple's iPhone line would be absent of some compelling features.
In a way to bring Apple Music closer to its wide user base, Apple has announced that its popular music streaming service will be significantly discounted for students.
Apple's 2016 Macbook comes in a great new Rose Gold color, as well as heightened internals. However, much of the same issues that plagued its predecessor are still present.
PieMessage, an innovative open source project, features the ability to send iMessages from Android devices. There's just one little requirement, however.