Big Brother
Da'Vonne is hoping to get another returnee out of the house after Frank. While the Big Brother 18 houseguests debate who should be evicted next, there are some interesting tensions bubbling to the surface. -
'Big Brother 18' Live Feed Update: Secret Power Causes Houseguest Frenzy [VIDEO]
The 'BB18' secret power has been revealed to the house! There's a new twist in the Big Brother 18 house, and all 12 houseguests are taking advantage of it. -
'Big Brother 18' Spoilers: Does Frank Have Any Hope Of Staying This Week? [VIDEO]
Frank's 'Big Brother' game is quickly fading, though Michelle is hoping otherwise. One of the biggest conflict-raisers in the Big Brother 18 house looks to finally be going home this week. -
'Big Brother' Live Feed Spoilers: New HOH Targeting Frank & Bridgette This Week? [VIDEO]
Frank looks to finally be in trouble in the 'BB18' house. There's a new Head of Household in the Big Brother 18 house, and one of the season's biggest targets has finally been nominated. -
'Big Brother 18' Update: Will Glenn, Jozea, Victor, Bronte Or Tiffany Win Battle Back? [POLL, VIDEO]
Who will win the chance to go back into the 'BB18' house again? The Big Brother 18 house is going to be rocked by another twist Friday night as one of the first five evicted houseguest re-enters the game. -
'Big Brother 18' Spoilers: Is Tiffany Doomed Or Will A Last Minute Switch Happen? [VIDEO]
Vanessa's sister is basically on her way out of the 'BB18' house -- unless something big happens. -
'Big Brother 18' Spoilers: 'Showmances' Taking Over & More Tuesday Live Feed Updates [VIDEO]
This season of 'Big Brother' has basically become 'Big Brother: Showmance Edition'. -
'Big Brother' Live Feeds: Are Da'Vonne's Days Numbered After This Week's Eviction? [VIDEO]
It's not looking great for 'BB18's Da'Vonne right now, unless she can pull off a competition win. -
'Big Brother 18' Spoilers: Veto Ceremony Goes As Planned, How Did Da'Vonne React? [VIDEO]
The Veto ceremony is officially over and a returnee is finally on block this season. The Veto ceremony has officially happened in the Big Brother 18 house, and we now have the first instance of a returning player on the block. -
'Big Brother 18' Live Feed Update: Corey & Nicole Looking To Evict Da'Vonne Instead Of Tiffany? [VIDEO]
Alliances are now shifting frequently in the 'BB18' house. Two former enemies are working together against the rest of the Big Brother 18 house at this point. -
'Big Brother 18' Spoilers: Frank & Tiffany Teaming Up To Target Showmances [VIDEO]
Sworn enemies have become trusted allies as Nicole/Corey and Paulie/Zakiyah have become targets. Things are shifting in the Big Brother 18 house as mortal enemies have now become close allies. -
'Big Brother 18' Live Feed Update: Tiffany Threatens To Self Evict As Drama Unfolds In The House [VIDEO]
Things are heating up in the 'Big Brother' house as the plan to evict Frank has been delayed another week. -
'Big Brother 18' Spoilers: Houseguests Ready To Evict Bronte Instead Of Tiffany? [VIDEO]
There's a whole new plan in the 'Big Brother' house, and at least a few houseguests will be blindsided. -
'Big Brother 18' Live Feeds: 8-Pack Shows Dissension Over Plans To Evict Tiffany [VIDEO]
The 'BB18' houseguests are split on what to do in the upcoming eviction, as seen Tuesday on the live feeds. -
'Big Brother 18' Spoilers: Tiffany Spills Secret Alliance Info To Michelle & More Feed Updates [VIDEO]
It looks like the 'Big Brother' houseguests will be evicting their first female houseguest of the season. -
'Big Brother 18' Live Feed Update: Will Tiffany Be Saved From Eviction This Week? [VIDEO]
Some members of the 'BB18' 8-Pack might end up saving Tiffany in the end, as there are a few rumblings of a potential change in plans. -
'Big Brother 18' Updates: Julie Chen Speaks Freely About 'Naive' New Houseguests [VIDEO]
Julie Chen is being very honest about this year's crop of 'Big Brother' houseguests. Big Brother host Julie Chen is not mincing words about the gameplay of the new houseguests this season. -
'Big Brother' Live Feeds: Frank Physically Harasses Da'Vonne & More Thursday Updates [VIDEO]
It's safe to say that Frank is officially becoming problematic to many people in the 'Big Brother' house. -
'Big Brother 18' Spoilers: 8-Pack Now Completely On Board To Evict Frank Next? [VIDEO]
Frank's supposed allies are turning on him very quickly this week. The 8-Pack continues to create smaller factions and turn against each other in the Big Brother 18 house. -
'Big Brother' Live Feeds Update: Women Become United Against Frank & More Spoilers [VIDEO]
Tuesday in the 'Big Brother' house featured many of Frank's alliance members turning against him. -
'Big Brother 18' Live Feed Updates: Frank & Tiffany Plotting To Take Each Other Out Next? [VIDEO]
It was a rather quiet day in the 'Big Brother' house on Monday, but there is some interesting stuff bubbling to the surface.