Most love stories originate with great romance, but for Jess Walter, it was his dying mother who inspired him to pen an epic tale of lost love in "Beautiful Ruins." -
Michelle Obama Talks First Book
U.S. first lady Michelle Obama has adopted healthy eating and fighting childhood obesity as one of her pet causes. -
Ray Bradbury Author of 'Fahrenheit 451' Dies at age 91
Author Ray Bradbury, who wrote "Fahrenheit 451" and "The Martian Chronicles" has died. He was 91. -
'Fifty Shades of Grey' Returns to Libraries Despite Pornographic Label
The erotic bestseller "Fifty Shades of Grey" returned to the libraries of Brevard County, Florida on Tuesday after requests from residents. -
J.K. Rowling's New Book: 'The Casual Vacancy' to be Blackly Comic
J.K. Rowling's publisher Little, Brown & Co. announced today that her first novel for adults is entitled "The Casual Vacancy" and will be available worldwide on September 27. -
James Bond Returns Home in 10-Year Book Deal
Ian Fleming's estate has signed a 10-year deal with the Random House Group to publish the James Bond backlist both in print and e-book format, the publishing company said on Friday. -
Next Star Authors could be found Online
For novelists, the days of sending manuscripts to dozens of publishers and anxiously awaiting a reply may soon be over. -
'The Expats' book: Deceit and Espionage in Darkest Luxembourg
The worst thing about Kate's life in Luxembourg as the trailing spouse of a man hired to work on banking security at first simply appears to be the boredom of spending days among fellow housewives after giving up her career.