Polling data shows that the 2012 race for presidency is the closest it has been in 76 years. The 2012 race for presidency is presenting a close call for President Barack Obama and his rival Mitt Romney - the race between the two candidates is the closest in 76 years, according to polling data going back to 1936. -
Obama vs. Romney Polls 2012, Rasmussen Reports Reveal 'Unpredictable End'
According to most reports, Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama are tied or separated by 1-4 points in their likelihoods of winning the election, but a new Rasmussen Reports finding revealed that Nov. 6 might bring an "unpredictable end to a very predictable election." -
Donald Trump Twitter: Billionaire Becomes Twitter Laughingstock After "Big Announcement" [Video]
Donald Trump has become a Twitter laughingstock after delivering the 'major news' as promised at noon today. In the days prior, the billionaire had built up the hype of a major announcement on President Barack Obama. Many speculated that the 'major news' would be possible divorce papers filed by Barack and Michelle Obama. -
Swing State Polls 2012: Romney/Obama Real Clear Politics, Politico & Rasmussen Listings
Swing state polls are updated daily to inform voters and both democratic and Republican supporters how our presidential candidates are doing in the days leading up to Election Day 2012 on Nov. 6. The 2012 swing states are Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Caroline, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin, according to Politico. -
Obama Divorce Papers Scandal Spikes In Light Of Trump's Obama Announcement
At the height of a big announcement Donald Trump said he will make on Wednesday having to do with President Barack Obama, reports suggest that divorce papers between the president and his wife, First Lady Michelle, might be the big secret the public is anticipating. Rumors of Trump surfacing divorce papers filed for Barack and Michelle Obama has been circulating since Trump revealed on Monday that he had an announcement to make. "Something very, very big concerning the president of the United States" that "could change the course of the election," Trump said. -
Who Won The Second Debate? Obama Wins Debate? [Results]
Did out current president hold his ground? Or did his Republican enemy come out victorious in their second match-up on Oct. 16? -
Who Won The Presidential Debate Last Night? Obama Romney Debate Results
Many reports confirmed the same thing - that our current president clearly had the upper hand in the second presidential debate. -
Scarlett Johansson DNC Convention 2012 Appearance with Natalie POrtman and Kerry Washington
Among the Hollywood celebrities speaking at the Democratic National Convention on Sept. 6 is actress Scarlett Johansson, who has early on stated her interest in the 2012 presidential election."There is so much at stake in this campaign," Johansson said in a press statement. "2012 will not be easy. We have to fight even harder this time around." -
Natalie Portman DNC Speaker? CNN Confirms Reports
The Democratic National Convention will be hosting some big Hollywood stars on Thursday night, Sept. 6, to work up the crowd before President Barack Obama takes stage. -
Jimmy Kimmel, Obama Poke Fun at Kim Kardashian at Correspondents Dinner
Jimmy Kimmel and President Barack Obama poked fun at Reality TV star Kim Kardashian at the White House Correspondents Dinner on Saturday night.