'The 100,' a new post-apocalyptic drama series, is set to premiere Wednesday night on The CW, featuring an all-star cast and an interesting new concept.
While avid viewers of Hart of Dixie might have let the idea of Crazy Earl's secret treasure slip their mind, a spoiler alert reveals that it might be gone for good.
'Supernatural' Season 9 Spoilers: Which Winchester Will Team Up With Abaddon? [PHOTOS] Abaddon will rear her demonic head once more on Supernatural, and she will turn up in a far more shocking way than anyone could have guessed.
Despite the fact that Mary and Francis are now husband and wife, it looks like the romantic tension between Mary and Bash isn't quite over yet on 'Reign.'
While fans wait for new episodes of Hart of Dixie to premiere, a synopsis for a new episode shows that BlueBell and the quaint town's residents will go through major changes.