Fans of General Hospital were worked into a frenzy earlier this week when rumors began circulating that the show had six months to improve its ratings or risk cancellation by ABC, but both cast and crew have since cleared up any misunderstandings and revealed the show is still safe.

It is unclear where exactly the rumors started from, but both ABC Executive Nathan Varni and cast member William DeVry (Julian Jerome) have taken to social media to speak out against them-and assuring fans that nothing was going to happen to their 'beloved' show and it wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

"GH Alert: There's been a hateful blog out there who has mentioned GH has 6 months to improve ratings or be cancelled," DeVry wrote in a Dec. 4 post on his Facebook page. "While it's true that networks and shows strive to achieve the best quality product that produce viable ratings, there is no truth to that rumor. ABC has no plans to pull the plug on your beloved GH. Normally I just this stuff slide, but it's been a busy week on rumor mill. Much love to my GH fans. xo."

His post came after Varni made a statement that was picked up by General Hospital Exposed and shared on that group's Facebook page as well, which also assured the show was going nowhere.

"A quick note to our many loyal GH fans. Technology is fantastic but I want to just remind you that there are hundreds of GH based websites that can virtually be created by anyone with internet access and an opinion," Varni's statement reads. To set the record straight, General Hospital is not being cancelled and Frank Valentini continues to be one of the best Executive Producers working in television today and we are honored to call him our partner and friend. For those who enjoy getting true friends up in arms and in a panic, I'm sorry to burst your bubble but all rumors circulating around this week are absolutely 100% NOT TRUE."

"Thank you for your continued support and viewership of General Hospital. It is appreciated more than you know by ABC and all of our actors, writers, producers and hard working crew who all work tirelessly producing over 260+ hours of scripted television for you each and every year. We look forward to celebrating the soap genre and bringing GH into your homes for many years to come! Thank you! Respectfully, Nathan," the statement concludes.

General Hospital airs Monday-Friday at 3 p.m. on ABC.