The intended target for eviction in the Big Brother 17 house seems to be waiting until the last minute to campaign.

'Big Brother 17's Shelli & Clay Still In Hot Water As Other Side Of The House Targets Them

Head of Household: Vanessa Rousso

Nominees: Becky Burgess and Jason Roy

Other houseguests: Austin Matelson, Clay Honeycutt, Jackie Ibarra, James Huling, John McGuire, Liz/Julia Nolan, Meg Maley, Shelli Poole and Steve Moses

Jason Distraught After 'Big Brother 17' Veto Ceremony

Through Wednesday on the Big Brother 17 live feeds, Jason has had an air of knowing he's going home this week. He spent much of the day sleeping alongside his allies James and Meg, while the other side of the house was plotting for next week.

Clay, Shelli and Vanessa had various discussions throughout the day about who should go home next after Jason. Clay asserted that he wants Jackie gone next, followed by James, then Becky, then John. He admitted that he's not concerned at all about Meg.

Meanwhile, Shelli and Vanessa thought John should go out before Becky, though they largely agreed with Clay's boot order.

Becky did some campaigning to Shelli, Clay and Vanessa, asserting that she is loyal to them. She said that she (Becky) would like to win HOH on Thursday since the three of them would then be able to compete in the presumed double eviction HOH, which many houseguests are speculating will happen next week.

Finally, later in the night, Jason started campaigning to Shelli and Clay by promising he would vote for either of them to win if he made it to jury. He also said that he's always going to be a bigger target in the house, so he would essentially be a good meat shield for them.

But his biggest point was when he told them that Becky might be targeting them in a double eviction week. But when Shelli and Clay later discussed Jason's proposals in private, they agreed that they were still going to vote to evict him.

Jason only has today left to campaign. Will he be able to swing votes back to his side?

Big Brother 17 returns on Thursday at 9 p.m. ET/PT on CBS, featuring the live eviction and Head of Household competition.

Big Brother, Reality TV, CBS