'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Is James Considering Taking Down Clay Or Shelli & Targeting Someone Else?
There is a possibility that the Veto will be used this week on Big Brother 17, with plans potentially changing.
Shelli Melts Down After 'Big Brother' Nomination Ceremony
Head of Household: James Huling
Nominees: Clay Honeycutt and Shelli Poole
Other houseguests: Austin Matelson, Becky Burgess, Jackie Ibarra, John McGuire, Julia Nolan, Liz Nolan, Meg Maley, Steve Moses and Vanessa Rousso
Power Finally Shifts in the 'Big Brother 17' House
James won the Power of Veto on Saturday, allowing him to be both the HOH and the Veto holder this week. While he would presumably want to keep his nominations the same, he has had discussions with Jackie and Meg about changing them.
Sunday on the live feeds was mostly quiet throughout the day, though Shelli and Clay started campaigning as night fell. Clay tried to get Steve on the block while Shelli hinted that Vanessa should be the real target of James' alliance.
Later, Austin, Julia and Liz talked to James about just keeping the nominations the same. While this is probably because they themselves don't want to be targets, it is still a significant betrayal of the Sixth Sense alliance.
James considered plans to either put Steve or Vanessa up on the block, though his talks with Jackie and Meg later in the night led him to conclude that he needs to keep his nominations the same.
Clay and Shelli will likely remain on the block through the Veto ceremony today, though anything is possible in the Big Brother house.
Big Brother 17 continues with a new episode on Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS. The new episode will feature the Power of Veto competition and the Veto competition.