Agent Carter has its female hero, now it's time for it to get a female villain.

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Peggy (Hayley Atwell) went up against Dottie in New York, but the transition to Hollywood will allow Marvel to bring in a baddie with a certifiable evil reputation - Madame Masque.

Don't expect a straight up interpretation of Whitney Frost, however. Often connected with Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) and certainly not of the post-war era, Masque will receive a new spin as she goes up against the SSR.

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"It's a '40s version of that villain," executive producer Chris Dingess told /Film. "We put our spin on her."

Madame Masque will take on a job that fits right in with the glitzy lights of Hollywood.

"I think we've changed the look of her a bit obviously," executive producer Tara Butters explained. "We've made her an actress, which is very Hedy Lamar. She was a '40s siren actress who was also a scientific genius, so that's part of what we're mining with this character."

Does this mean Masque will be the previously announced starlet Wendy Fallon? Described as "way more intelligent than she lets on" and bearing Madam Masque's initials, Ms. Fallon has thrown up a few red flags.

Find out more when Agent Carter returns to ABC this winter.

Agent Carter, Television, Marvel, ABC