'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Shelli Finally Starts Campaigning, Did She Get Through To Jackie, James & Meg?
The new target in the Big Brother 17 house has finally started to campaign to stay, but it might be too late.
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Head of Household: Becky Burgess
Nominees: Shelli Poole and Vanessa Rousso
Other houseguests: Austin Matelson, Jackie Ibarra, James Huling, John McGuire, Julia Nolan, Liz Nolan, Meg Maley and Steve Moses
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On Wednesday, Shelli started to catch on that she needs to seriously campaign in order to stay in the house. She spoke with Becky, Jackie and Meg and confirmed that she would not nominate any of them, or James, if she won HOH. She said it wouldn't make sense for Jackie, Meg and James to keep Vanessa since she has nominated their friends/alliance, while she, Shelli, hasn't.
Shelli also campaigned to John, saying that Vanessa has been so focused on getting out Becky, who is pretty well known as one of John's closest allies. John seems set on voting out Vanessa, though he may be the only one.
Becky has also been campaigning to Jackie, James and Meg about keeping Shelli and evicting Vanessa. While the alliance have been playing along that they will, they have also given plenty of indication that they won't.
In private, James and Meg reaffirmed their plan to evict Shelli, adding that they wouldn't be opposed to Austin and the twins targeting Becky.
Anything could happen today before the eviction, but it's looking more and more likely that Shelli is going home first tonight. As for the Double Eviction, there are many different targets being floated around, but Vanessa, Becky and John seem like the most likely candidates for eviction depending on who wins HOH.
Big Brother 17 airs tonight, Thursday, at 9 p.m. ET/PT on CBS. The episode features the live eviction, another HOH competition, another Nomination ceremony, another Veto competition, another Veto ceremony and a second eviction.