Once Upon a Time co-creators Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz are already hyping up the introduction of Merida (Amy Manson).

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Merida, the protagonist of Disney/Pixar's 2012 film Brave, will be one of many new characters introduced in season 5.

The co-creators and show runners recently spoke with Entertainment Weekly about how Merida will be incorporated into the show and why she'll be your new favorite character.

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Merida will be "a spitfire like [she was in] the movie," Kitsis said. "If she's not your favorite new character this year, I won't know what to say. She's a lot of fun."

Horowitz explained that the Merida in Once Upon a Time would be after the events of the movie.

Merida is set to be introduced through Emma (Jennifer Morrison), who fans last saw slipping into darkness in the season 4 finale.

"It's certainly a part of Emma's journey as the Dark Swan and dealing with her darkness," Horowitz said. "All that is tied with how we explore the world of Camelot this year. At the end of last year, Merlin was revealed to be very important to what Emma needs. Hopefully you'll see that it all ties together in a fun way. You'll get that pretty much from the start. In the season premiere, there's a lot that happens, including Merida and giving you a taste of what we plan to do with Camelot."

Once Upon a Time season 5 premieres Sunday, Sept. 27 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.

Once Upon A Time, Television, ABC