'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Who Will Be Voted Out In Thursday's Live Eviction, John Or Steve?
It looks like the Big Brother 17 houseguests have made a decision on who to evict tonight.
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Head of Household: Austin Matelson
Nominees: John McGuire and Steve Moses
Other houseguests: James Huling, Julia Nolan, Liz Nolan, Meg Maley and Vanessa Rousso
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With Liz and Julia wanting John to be evicted and James and Meg wanting Steve, Vanessa has been the swing vote this whole week. Her new bond with John seemed to suggest that she might be able to persuade the twins to switch and vote out Steve, but that is no longer the case.
Vanessa has had several discussions throughout the week with Austin, Liz and Julia and while they have entertained the thought of sending out Steve, they have mostly settled into voting for John. The biggest reason is that John has too many friends on the jury and if any of them returned, he would align with them.
Meanwhile, they still underestimate Steve as a strategist and think he's worse in competitions than John.
On Wednesday, James and Meg were informed of the plan to vote out John. James and Meg don't seem to have many problems with it, even though they would prefer to have Steve go home.
Late at night, Vanessa informed John that he would be the one evicted on Thursday. John still campaigned for himself, saying that he, Vanessa, James and Meg could make a powerful foursome to go against Austin and the twins.
As of now, John will be evicted during the live eviction. But considering how active Vanessa is as a campaigner, don't be surprised if she manages to change Liz and Julia's minds by tonight. Only time will tell if she will actively make this attempt.
Either way, the person evicted will have a chance to get back in the game. The evictee will compete against Shelli, Jackie and Becky and by the end of the night, one of them will be back in the Big Brother house.
Big Brother 17 airs another new episode Thursday at 9 p.m. ET/PT on CBS. The episode will feature the live eviction, the return of a jury member and the new HOH competition.