'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Meg Has Meltdown On Friday As Vanessa Reconsiders Alliance With 'Austwins'
The new HOH in the Big Brother 17 house has made her nominations.
Vanessa Viciously Confronts Steve On 'Big Brother'
Head of Household: Vanessa Rousso
Nominees: James Huling and Meg Maley
Other houseguests: Austin Matelson, John McGuire, Julia Nolan, Liz Nolan and Steve Moses
Could Vanessa Be Making A Power Move On 'Big Brother' This Week?
Vanessa chose to nominate James and Meg for eviction. She has managed to get Austin, Liz and Julia on board with the thought that James and Meg need to be split up and that the pair is targeting them (Austwins).
Meg was very upset, crying quite frequently on the live feeds on Friday. She and James bashed Vanessa and said her game is too dirty for her to win. The pair admitted that one of them will be going home this week, and that there was very little they could do about it.
Liz and Julia relentlessly mocked James and particularly Meg. Julia mocked Meg for not winning any competitions. If you're keeping track at home, Julia hasn't won anything either. The twins also went on to say that only insecure people poke fun at others, so the delusion is high.
Meanwhile, Vanessa gradually began to realize that the game might be slipping through her fingers. She spoke of how she's made it this deep into the game with a showmance (Austin and Liz) as well as twins (Liz and Julia). All three of them would likely pick each other to go to the Final 3 rather than her.
She discussed plans with Steve, who may become her only viable Final 2 partner. Both clearly want to split up Austin and Liz soon, though neither outright said it. Steve talked to himself at one point and said he would nominate Austin and Liz if he won HOH.
So if John or Steve win HOH in the Double Eviction, we could be looking at nominations of Austin and Liz. But with Austin, Liz and Julia all able to compete in the next HOH, it could be an uphill battle.
Plans could also change if James wins the Veto today, Saturday. Vanessa said it might be tempting for people to evict whomever Vanessa nominates in James' place rather than Meg, who never wins anything anyway.
Big Brother 17 returns Sunday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS. The episode will feature the rest of the HOH competition and the Nomination ceremony.