The Veto competition could not have gone worse for the HOH in the Big Brother 17 house, but she has a backup plan.

Meg Has A Meltdown In the 'Big Brother 17' House

Head of Household: Vanessa Rousso

Nominees: James Huling and Meg Maley

Other houseguests: Austin Matelson, John McGuire, Julia Nolan, Liz Nolan and Steve Moses

Could Vanessa Be Making A Power Move On 'Big Brother' This Week?

James won the Power of Veto on Saturday, which was the worst case scenario for Vanessa, who was intent on sending him home. Now her plan is to send Meg out but it may be a bumpy road to get there.

On Saturday, Vanessa came up with a plan to nominate Julia in James' place. This would ensure that Austin and Liz vote to evict Meg. Vanessa doesn't want to lose John or Steve so if she put one of them up, it could very well result in Austin, Liz and James voting to evict that person over Meg. And three is a majority this week.

Meg tried to persuade Vanessa to change her mind on targeting her, saying she'll throw the next HOH competition and even agree to go up as a pawn again. Vanessa did not seem swayed by Meg's campaigning.

Steve promised Liz that he would vote for Julia to stay, though Julia later expressed worry that he wouldn't. Julia was also concerned that Vanessa was protecting John in order to have him eventually go after Liz and Austin.

At the moment, it's looking like Meg will probably be evicted 4-1, with James being the only vote to keep her. However, plans tend to change in the Big Brother house and if Vanessa wants to orchestrate a direct attack on "Austwins" then Julia might be blindsided on Thursday.

Big Brother 17 returns Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS. The episode will feature the Power of Veto competition and the Veto ceremony.

Big Brother, Reality TV, CBS