'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Will James & Meg Be Able To Flip The House By Thursday's Eviction?
It was a relatively quiet day Monday in the Big Brother 17 house, but one nominee isn't completely giving up on campaigning.
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Head of Household: Vanessa Rousso
Nominees: Julia Nolan and Meg Maley
Other houseguests: Austin Matelson, James Huling, John McGuire, Liz Nolan and Steve Moses
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The Veto meeting was held on Monday and James decided to take himself off the block. In his place, Vanessa nominated Julia in the hope of sending Meg out the door.
Meg was upset that she spent so much time being nice to Vanessa to no avail. She suggested to James that if Vanessa made it to the end, she would not vote for her. In fact, she went so far as to say that if James made it to the Final 3 with Vanessa that he not take her with him to the Final 2.
Vanessa talked with John later in the day about when to target Austin, Liz and Julia. For some reason, targeting Julia this week is not a viable option for them right now. John will probably go after Liz, who is the tie that binds Austin and Julia. Essentially, without Liz in the picture, there is less incentive for Austin and Julia to stick together.
Meanwhile, Austin and Liz speculated that Julia will probably be "the new Meg" and be nominated as a pawn quite frequently. Considering permanent pawn Meg is the one going home this week instead of Julia, it's safe to assume they are probably right.
Later, James and Meg discussed the possibility of creating a four-person deal with Austin and John in order to keep Meg. It is highly unlikely that they will able to follow through with this, however, considering Austin's connection to Liz.
Big Brother 17 returns Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS. The episode will feature the Power of Veto competition and the Veto meeting.