The intended target for eviction in the Big Brother 17 house this week is not giving up just yet.

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Head of Household: Vanessa Rousso

Nominees: Julia Nolan and Meg Maley

Other houseguests: Austin Matelson, James Huling, John McGuire, Liz Nolan and Steve Moses

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Tuesday in the Big Brother house was relatively quiet again, though there were some slight waves. Meg is still trying to campaign to stay in the house, but the outlook is still bad.

There was a shouter from outside the Big Brother house who was trying to relay information to the houseguests. Only James, John and Meg were outside to hear this. They thought the shouter said "Austin wants Julia out" but he really said "America wants Julia out". The group agreed to keep this to themselves.

James and John had a discussion after this where they agreed it might be in their best interest to evict Julia. Later at night, Meg finally approached Austin about flipping his vote to evicting Julia. Austin barely budged on his stance that he couldn't flip because of Liz and the conversation halted when Julia herself came in.

Steve has already promised Julia and current HOH Vanessa that he is voting to evict Meg, and Liz is obviously keeping her sister in the house. Meanwhile, James and John seem to be on the same page about potentially evicting Julia, but John's loyalty may lean more towards Vanessa, who wants Meg out. As of right now there's very little chance of Austin switching and voting to evict Julia, but things change all the time in the Big Brother house. Who knows, Vanessa may come up with one of her infamous "reasons" for why Julia needs to go instead.

Big Brother 17 returns Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS. The episode will feature the Power of Veto competition and the Veto meeting.

Big Brother, Reality TV, CBS