'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Are Steve & John Flipping The Vote Or Is Meg Still Being Evicted?
Surprisingly, the vote heading into Thursday's eviction on Big Brother 17 is still up in the air.
Will James & Meg Be Able To Flip The 'Big Brother' House?
Head of Household: Vanessa Rousso
Nominees: Julia Nolan and Meg Maley
Other houseguests: Austin Matelson, James Huling, John McGuire, Liz Nolan and Steve Moses
James, John & Meg Hear Shouter Outside The 'Big Brother' House, Possibly Game-Changing?
Wednesday was a particularly active day in the Big Brother house. While Meg is still the primary target, there have been more than a few discussions about evicting Julia instead. Ironically, very little of this has been due to Meg's actions, or lack thereof.
In actuality, John and Steve have been discussing whether to flip the vote. Both of them see an opportunity to split up a powerful threesome (Austin, Liz and Julia) while also thinking James and Meg wouldn't even target them (John and Steve) anyway.
Steve ran the possible plan by Vanessa, who gradually shot it down. She asserted that she still wants to go to the end with him but also revealed that she wants to bring Julia to the Final 3 with them. Vanessa said it's simply not the right time to make a direct attack at "Austwins" and Steve eventually agreed.
Later in the night, Steve spoke with John about the plan and John came to the conclusion that it might be too risky. They had another discussion later where John said they might have an advantage over Austin and Liz in the next HOH competition so they could conceivably pull off a flip. Steve was completely undecided and later talked to himself/the cameras about not knowing what to do.
John and Steve agreed to have a conversation Thursday morning, where they would ultimately make their decision. But if Steve ends up telling Vanessa about the flip, it's very likely that she'll shoot the plan down and he'll just stick with the "evict Meg" plan.
So as of Thursday morning it's looking like Meg is still going to be the one evicted. Austin and Liz are definitely voting to evict Meg while James is definitely voting to evict Julia. So it's all up to John and Steve.
But what the houseguests don't know is that there is another eviction scheduled tonight. None of the houseguests have been planning for it, so it should be fun when host Julie Chen reveals the news.
Big Brother 17 returns Thursday at 9 p.m. ET/PT on CBS. The episode will feature the live eviction followed by a new HOH competition, Nomination ceremony, Power of Veto competition, Veto meeting and another eviction.