We have a new HOH in the Big Brother house, one who may finally break up the most powerful alliance in the game.

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Head of Household: Steve Moses

Nominees: TBD

Other houseguests: Austin Matelson, John McGuire, Julia Nolan, Liz Nolan and Vanessa Rousso

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With Meg and James out of the house, it is now an unofficial war between two sides: Austin, Liz and Julia (a.k.a. Austwins) vs. Vanessa, Steve and John. That made the latest HOH competition the most important one yet as both sides battled for control.

But Steve wound up on top as he won his second HOH competition of the summer. Naturally, everyone was in Steve's ear on who to nominate, but it is clear that he will be listening to Vanessa and John exclusively for real advice.

While Vanessa played it up and expressed concern to the twins that she didn't know what Steve was going to do, her conversations with him later suggested she is more than happy with his winning HOH. While Steve said he wanted to put up both of the twins, Vanessa said it was a bad idea and that they don't want to be left in a position of evicting the weaker twin (a.k.a. Julia).

Vanessa, John and Steve ultimately came to the agreement that it should be Austin and Liz nominated. The plan switched back and forth between wanting Austin out and wanting Liz out, but either way, one of them will likely be the next to go. The only scenario in which this would go wrong is if Julia were to win the Power of Veto and save Liz, forcing Steve to nominate John or Vanessa. Then, Liz and Julia would hold all the power and likely send out John/Vanessa.

But considering Julia's track record in competitions, the chances of this happening seem unlikely.

The nominations will likely be a shock to Austin and Liz so they could go into the Power of Veto competition fired up. Assuming one of them wins then Julia will be the easy replacement nominee and then the other person left of Austin/Liz would be evicted.

But it's Big Brother, and anything could happen.

Big Brother 17 returns for a new episode Sunday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS. The episode will feature footage from the HOH competition and the Nomination ceremony.

Big Brother, Reality TV, CBS