'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Will Steve Nominate Julia In Monday's Veto Meeting?
It's been a tumultuous weekend in the Big Brother 17 house, and the Head of Household has been a bundle of nerves throughout.
Liz Melts Down After 'Big Brother' Nomination Ceremony
Head of Household: Steve Moses
Nominees: Austin Matelson and Liz Nolan
Other houseguests: John McGuire, Julia Nolan and Vanessa Rousso
The Tide May Be Turning In The 'Big Brother 17' House
The Veto competition was held on Saturday, and Austin wound up winning. Vanessa, Steve and John had desperately hoped that Julia wouldn't win, considering she would have saved Liz and keep all three of the "Austwins" safe.
Thankfully, Steve did not have to be in the awkward position of putting up an alliance mate (John or Vanessa). But Steve still fretted all over the place as he realized he had to nominate Julia next to Liz.
Meanwhile, Liz and Austin fought and made up (and made out) throughout the weekend. Ever since Austin won the Veto competition, things have been slightly awkward, considering he was quick to tell her that he wasn't using the Veto to save her. He had a few discussions where he admitted to others that if Liz had to be evicted for the benefit of his game then he would do so.
Liz has all but given up in the game, resigning to her fate. She told Julia that she wants her to go further in the game to make up for all the hardships she, Julia, has had to face in her life. Liz told Julia that it is her time to shine.
Vanessa had to comfort Steve on Sunday when he went on a rambling speech about not liking the game of Big Brother anymore. He said multiple times that he doesn't like hurting people and has even contemplated quitting the game. Steve said he would be satisfied with going out in fifth place (be careful what you wish for) and that he's ready for this to be over.
Meanwhile, Vanessa has been secretly plotting behind Steve's back, telling Austin that Steve needs to go next. She thinks Steve would be their biggest obstacle in getting to the end, considering his proficiency in mental competitions. Austin is on board with this plan, and he shored up a Final 2 deal with Vanessa. They agreed to bring Julia to the Final 3 as an easy person to beat in competitions.
Late at night, Steve showed some slight trepidation about Vanessa and her loyalties, but he told himself that Julia needs to go up. So Steve will nominate Julia on Monday, putting the twins on the block together for the first time. One of them will leave on Thursday (probably Liz) and the other will stay in the game. But there's still plenty of game left to be played and anything could change.
Big Brother 17 returns for a new episode Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS. The episode will feature footage from the Power of Veto competition and the Veto ceremony.