The origin of the Dark One will be explored in the upcoming fifth season of ABC's Once Upon a Time.

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Emma (Jennifer Morrison) will begin her struggle with darkness when Once Upon a Time returns for season 5.

Once Upon a Time co-creators Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz spoke with Entertainment Weekly recently and teased many new details regarding Emma's struggle.

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"Part of what we saw with Rumplestiltskin [Robert Carlyle] was his struggle, and we watched the Darkness consume him. We're going to see the same with Emma," Kitsis promised. "We're going to see her struggle against this very dark thing inside her, and we're going to see what happens. And perhaps . . . the question that we would be posing for our audience is what happened to lead her there?"

Emma will be guided by Rumple, the former Dark One, as seen in that photo released recently of Rumple standing behind a frightened Emma in the forest. While many fans had questions about this, the co-creators suggested that all would be addressed in the premiere.

"How is Rumple there? Why is he behind her, and why did we give the caption, "If you're going to be the Dark One, gotta learn from the best"? I would say all of those questions will be answered in the premiere," Kitsis said. "Emma was sort of like Dorothy taking us to Oz in season one. Emma is going to be taking us into the Dark One and the Dark One mythology, and we are going to learn this first half of the season who the original Dark One was, what made them tick, and why there is even a Dark One to begin with."

Emma's darkness will lead to some conflicting feelings for the closest people in her life. Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Charming (Josh Dallas) will have disagreements over how to save Emma, while Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) grapples with her new darkness being slightly appealing to him.

Once Upon a Time season 5 premieres Sunday, Sept. 27 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.

Once Upon A Time, Television, ABC