Tonight's episode of CBS's Survivor: Cambodia - Second Chance features a game-changing twist that will surely mess with a few castaways' game plans.

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Episode 3 will feature a big tribe swap, but this isn't your Old School-style tribe swap. For the first time in Survivor history, two tribes will expand into three tribes. This means that the two tribes of nine will now become three tribes of six.

Survivor host Jeff Probst spoke with Xfinity's Gordon Holmes recently about the twist. For those sorted into Bayon and Ta Keo, they will go to their respective beaches, but those sorted into the third tribe, Angkor, will have to build a whole new shelter on their new batch.

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"The Angkor tribe is starting from scratch. Same supplies that were waiting for them on the beach on day one, but without any of the supplies they were able to get off the boat at the marooning," Probst teased. "It's a MASSIVE set back. All their energy now has to go to building a new shelter which could hurt them at the immunity challenges."

Those curious about who gets sorted onto what tribe can go to Inside Survivor for spoilers.

Probst also discussed Vytas Baskasukas and Shirin Oskooi, the first two people voted out, and whether there were plans to do a "third-chance" season for them.

"Ha! No plans for a "third-chance" season but yes it was a bummer to see them go," Probst admitted. "When we put this idea together we knew that every week it would be a painful loss as everybody is great. But when you think about it, that's all you could ever ask for in a season! It's only getting started..."

The Tribal Councils will surely become more and more painful as the season goes along as each player loses their shot at winning the game.

Survivor: Cambodia - Second Chance airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.

Survivor, Reality TV, CBS