Will one of the original Bayon tribe members finally go home in episode 5 of Survivor Cambodia - Second Chance?

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We are now four episodes down in Survivor: Cambodia and an original Bayon tribe member has yet to be voted out of the game. The Ta Keo tribe went to Tribal Council in episodes 1 and 2 and voted out Vytas Baskauskas and Shirin Oskooi. Then, after the tribe swap, Angkor went to Tribal Council and despite being the only tribe with more original Ta Keo members, sent home Peih-Gee Law and Jeff Varner.

The original Bayon tribe now has a 10 to 6 advantage over Ta Keo and while it's unclear if tribal lines will continue through the pre-merge, it stands to reason that an original Bayon has to go home at some point. Right?!

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If Angkor goes to Tribal Council for the third time, it stands to reason that Abi-Maria Gomes will continue working with Andrew Savage and Tasha Fox and vote out Woo Hwang, her new nemesis now that Peih-Gee is gone. That would completely eliminate half the original Ta Keo tribe in five episodes. But would Abi-Maria choose to flip and work with Woo to force a tie? It seems unlikely, but given her erratic gameplay anything is possible.

Over on Ta Keo it's nothing but sunshine and rainbows with Kass McQuillen of all people making friendship bracelets. There is a 4-2 Bayon majority with Kelley Wentworth and Terry Deitz in the minority, and Kelley seems to be working her way into that majority while "kicking" Terry under the bus. Should Ta Keo go to Tribal Council it would seem that Terry would go home, which would again be another original Ta Keo member.

Our best luck at seeing an original Bayon member voted out is, ironically, on the new Bayon tribe. We saw in episode 4 that there was some discord, with Spencer Bledsoe telling Jeremy Collins and Stephen Fishbach that he would be comfortable voting out Kelly Wiglesworth. But after his talk with Monica Padilla, things weren't so set in stone. Monica said in her confessional that she doesn't want to send Kelly home; instead, she wants to make a girls alliance and get out Spencer.

Now, based on the "Next Time on Survivor" preview at the end of episode 4, which features Kimmi Kappenberg calling a female player a "snake in the grass," it's possible that Monica could be in trouble. There is a scenario where Bayon has to go to Tribal Council and Jeremy, Kimmi and Stephen agree to vote out Kelly, while Monica puts up a fight to Kimmi to vote out Spencer. Kimmi might not want that to happen, causing her to call Monica a snake in the grass. The vote may then flip to Monica with Kimmi leading the charge to get her out. It's also possible that there's no flipping at all and one of Kelly or Spencer goes home.

At this point, Monica seems like the most likely original Bayon member to go home next, though the gameplay this season has been so all over the place that any of the other 15 could go home and it wouldn't be too shocking.

Survivor: Cambodia - Second Chance airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.

Survivor, Reality TV, CBS