Despite being two of the earliest contestants to participate in CBS's Survivor, Kelly Wiglesworth and Kimmi Kappenberg have been mysterious missing from much of the action in Survivor: Cambodia - Second Chance.

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Leading up to Survivor: Cambodia, many fans were excited for the return of Kelly, Kimmi and Jeff Varner. Kelly, who played in Survivor's original season, Borneo, and Kimmi and Jeff, who played in the massively popular second season, The Australian Outback, were all voted in by fans to return to play Survivor a second time.

Jeff was voted out in the latest episode but had a massive amount of screen time compared to many of his fellow players. And while Kelly and Kimmi were somewhat significant in the premiere, they have since nearly disappeared entirely. So why have the editors chosen to focus on other players instead?

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Considering Kimmi has yet to go to Tribal Council, it's not too surprising that she hasn't received much screen time. However, given the amount of screen time people like Jeremy Collins, Kass McQuillen and Stephen Fishbach have received, all of whom have yet to go to Tribal Council as well, it's a bit troubling for her chances.

Meanwhile, Kelly went to Tribal Council in the first two episodes and received a handful of confessionals but has since been rendered nearly nonexistent in the overall narrative.

Does this mean their winner chances are growing smaller? Usually a winner is edited to be strategic and present in the narrative of the game and neither has been given much of anything story-wise, other than Kelly's athletic prowess.

This season has focused pretty heavily on recent season players, such as Jeremy, Kass, Abi-Maria Gomes, Kelley Wentworth, Spencer Bledsoe and Tasha Fox. Will the narrative of this season be that modern Survivor has become too advanced for early season players like Kelly and Kimmi to keep up? Is the lack of focus simply a matter of them not giving good enough confessionals? Or is there some long-term storytelling in the works for them?

Luckily, the next episode will feature Kimmi referring to a fellow player as a "snake in the grass" and saying "there are gonna be casualties," as seen in the "Next Time on Survivor" segment, so we are bound to get some interesting content from her.

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Survivor: Cambodia - Second Chance airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.

Survivor, Reality TV, CBS