'Survivor' Finale Live Online: How To Stream 'Cambodia' Conclusion, Featuring Jeremy, Kelley, Spencer & More
The Survivor: Cambodia - Second Chance finale is tonight; here's where you can watch it online if you're not near a TV.
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CBS is broadcasting the Survivor: Cambodia finale starting at 8/7c, with six players competing for a spot in the Final 3. Then it's up to the 10 jury members to decide which person deserves to win the title of Sole Survivor and the $1 million prize that comes with it.
So who will it be: Jeremy Collins, Keith Nale, Kelley Wentworth, Kimmi Kappenberg, Spencer Bledsoe or Tasha Fox? It remains to be seen, but if the last few weeks are any indication, it's about to be a wild, unpredictable fight to the finish.
The live reunion show in Los Angeles will air after the finale, starting at 10/9c, where a winner will be crowned and the cast will discuss Cambodia.
Watch Survivor: Cambodia Finale Free Online Or Via Mobile Devices
For those who cannot watch the Survivor finale on CBS, the network is offering a live stream on cbs.com/live-tv.
But what if there are too many people watching the live stream, causing it to be spotty? CBS has an app for that. Download the CBS app on iOS or Android, and if you have CBS All Access (the network's answer to Netflix), you can watch the Survivor finale live with less risk of spottiness. CBS All Access offers a free one-week trial.
Keep Up With The Survivor: Cambodia Finale Via Social Media
Make sure you're up on the discussion while the Survivor: Cambodia finale airs by using the hashtag #Survivor on Twitter.