Elisabeth Markham looks to be one of the most intelligent castaways in the upcoming season of CBS's Survivor.

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Elisabeth is one of 18 new castaways competing in Survivor: Kaoh Rong - Brawn vs. Brains vs. Beauty, the show's 32nd season. As a quantitative strategist, Elisabeth has obviously been placed on the Brains tribe alongside five other people with high intelligence.

In her CBS bio, Elisabeth speaks of her accomplishments, including, "building a blackjack card-counting team. We started with 10 people investing $2,500 each and it grew the bankroll to over $500,000 in less than a year."

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She describes herself as similar to Survivor winner Parvati Shallow, "because she's great at concealing her intelligence behind her flirty charming side."

Elisabeth believes that her brain will be "an asset to my alliance for strategy and my team for challenges. I'm good at fitting in with different types of people. I have pretty good outdoors skills too."

She hopes that her strategic side in addition to her likability will allow her to go far into the game and become the Sole Survivor.

It remains to be seen how well Elisabeth will do in Survivor. Considering her high intelligence it's possible that some players will feel threatened by her and plot her demise early. If she approaches the game from a strategic, clinical standpoint instead of forming social bonds organically she could also be in trouble when it's down to the Final Tribal Council. But she should hypothetically thrive in the game if she's able to form a strong alliance and maneuver throughout.

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How Well Will Elisabeth Markham Do On 'Survivor'?

Survivor: Kaoh Rong premieres Wednesday, Feb. 17 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.

Survivor, Reality TV, CBS