Star Trek is ready to blast onto TV once more, and Bryan Fuller has the conn.

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Honestly, we can't think of a better man to help return Gene Roddenberry's iconic series to its roots.

In recent years, Fuller has developed a cult following for his work on Hannibal, Pushing Daisies, and Dead Like Me (see video below). Unbeknownst to many of his younger fans, however, the writer kicked off his career in the world of warp speed and prime directives. With scripts for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and four years of Star Trek: Voyager under his belt, the lifelong trekie is more than ready to helm CBS' All Access venture.

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"My very first experience of Star Trek is my oldest brother turning off all the lights in the house and flying his model of a D7 Class Klingon Battle Cruiser through the darkened halls," Fuller told Entertainment Weekly. "Before seeing a frame of the television series, the Star Trek universe lit my imagination on fire.

Now that's the kind of imagination that could really take us someplace.

Thanks to his work on Hannibal, we know Fuller can play nice with canon while also giving the story an unexpected and unique spin. Along with fellow executive producer and Star Trek Beyond writer Alex Kurtzman, we have no doubt that Fuller will blow us away.

Are you excited for Fuller to take the helm? What do you think of CBS' decision to move Star Trek to it's streaming service? Sound off in the comments below!

Star trek, Television, CBS